At Saint Luke
Volunteer at Church
We believe God has created each of us with unique gifts and talents to be used to serve those who are in need. It is an important part of our ministry to seek opportunities where we can use our unique God given gifts and talents in service of those who are in need. Here at Saint Luke we have a variety of volunteering opportunities, feel free to review them and join the team that most speaks to you.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
— 1 Peter 4:10
Be Part of a Team
Greeters / Usher
Our greeters and ushers help people feel welcome as soon as they arrive at Saint Luke. They assist with various jobs and needs that arise during regular worship and special services.
Coffee Hour
Coffee and cookies are made available to our members on Sunday mornings before each Worship service. Volunteers who are part of this team arrive early and welcome our members with a delicious cup of coffee.
Prayer Chain
Saint Luke Prayer Chain was created to serve the needs of our parishioners, school families and visitors, both in prayers of need and thanksgiving.
Help create an incredible Sunday worship experience by being part of Saint Luke’s Music team. Volunteering opportunities include: Praise band team, choirs, hand bells, soloist and special instrumental groups.
Altar Guild
The altar guild serves quietly behind the scenes in the important work of preparing the church for worship, preparing the Sacraments, and cleaning the sacramental vessels.
Small Group Leaders
Interested in being a small group leader? It’s easy! There are many Biblical inspirational opportunities for you to lead a group. You need to enjoy being with people and God will accomplish His goals.
Saint Luke Kids is a safe, fun loving and engaging environment where young children learn about Jesus and the Bible. Every Sunday morning nursery volunteers watch and play with babies - 3 years while parents attend the 10:30 am service. Sunday School volunteers teach children about God in a creative, age-appropriate way.
Due to COVID-19 the Nursery is closed.
Special Events
At Saint Luke we enjoy activities that bring us all together. Fun and fellowship in servicing on a committee is a blessing. There are many opportunities to participate in including Rally day, Fallfest, trunk or treat, advent by candlelight trivia night to name a few!
Workday & Beautification
Saint Luke hosts a few workdays throughout the year. Here we focus on giving tender loving care to our facility by cleaning, painting, landscaping, remodeling, etc. It usually takes place on Saturday morning. The beautification committee is also in charge of decorating our church for Advent and Christmas season.
The future of our congregation is best sponsored from within our own family. Serve the Jr. and Sr. High programs by leading or supporting weekly Bible studies, servant events, leadership training, relationship building and fellowship outings.
Tech & Production
Lighting, sound and video presentation are an integral part of our worship at Saint Luke. Volunteer staff help make the worship experience more meaningful by enhancing the environment and helping the congregation to participate more fully.
If you are interested in volunteering and serving in any opportunities please do not hesitate to contact us. We always collect food, coats and Christmas gifts for our sister church in Chicago and other Non-profit organizations we partner with.

Ready to join a team?
Do you want to get involve and help make a difference? You can either join one of our volunteering opportunities or donate towards one of our outreach programs.