At Saint Luke, we believe in building up the next generation to be Christ’s hands and feet. We are passionate about connecting together in faith and connecting people to Christ through fellowship, service, and worship opportunities. Students experience fellowship regularly on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Youth are also invited to participate in spiritual growth opportunities as they attend the LCMS Youth Gathering every three years, and mission trips each summer. Friends are always welcome to join us each week!
Our Jr. and Sr. High youth meet weekly for spiritual growth, service, and fellowship. Fellowship and service events are planned monthly. Wednesday evenings are youth nights, with Junior High meeting from 5:30-7:00 and Senior High meeting from 7:00-8:30. Senior High Bible study is available during the Sunday school hour (9:15-10:15 am).
Our youth program is for 6th grade – 12th grade students. Some activities, such as outreach and mission opportunities, are planned to include the entire group, but it is also designed that both the Jr. High (6th, 7th and 8th grade age students) and our Sr. High (High School age students) have times set aside for their particular groups. Friends are always welcome! If you have any questions, please contact our associate pastor, Erik Hart, at ehart@saintlukeitasca.org.
Confirmation is a fundamental stepping stone for children as they become young adults. We welcome all 5th – 8th grade students into our confirmation program. This study of the Christian faith is essential to providing children with the solid Biblical foundation they need in life. Confirmation instruction leads students to Confirmation Day in their 8th grade year. It’s on that day, after their review of the basic foundation of the Christian faith, that the students publicly confess the faith in which they were baptized. After this statement of belief the students are welcomed as communicant members of Saint Luke Church and invited to participate in Holy Communion.
5th & 6th Grade Pre-Confirmation Primarily focuses on Biblical understanding.
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation Students walk through the Six Chief Parts of Luther's Small Catechism.
Sunday Mornings 9:15 am
Sr. High Bible Study
Senior High gathers together Sunday mornings to dive into God’s Word and have some engaging and challenging conversations and discussion with one another!
Jr. High Confirmation
Confirmation is a time for students to grow in their understanding of God’s Word and what Saint Luke teaches and believes. This includes: Baptism, Holy Communion, The 10 Commandments, Lord’s Prayer, Creeds, and more.
Wednesday Youth Nights
Junior High Youth Group
6th, 7th, and 8th Grade youth meet every Wednesday night at 5:30 pm for fun activities, small group Bible Study, and fellowship. These youth nights are meant to bolster what they are learning in Confirmation and prepare them for life together as Christ followers.
Senior High Youth Group
Our Senior High youth meet every Wednesday at 7:00 pm after the Junior High youth to connect with God and one another. Each week our youth dive into God’s Word and participate in fun activities that get them moving and thinking.
2025 LCMS National Youth Gathering
New Orleans, LA