Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care includes all the ways in which the pastor cares for the flock that God has placed in his care. The ordinary means of caring for the flock include preaching, Christian education, confession/absolution, prayer, and the liturgy itself. These are the primary ways in which a pastor cares for the flock.
We also receive the Word of God individually from our pastor to comfort us when we are troubled by our sins, to strengthen us when we struggle in this life, and to give us counsel and guidance from God’s Word. Our pastor cares for each of our members, not only through the public preaching and teaching of the Word of God, but also by bringing that Word into our homes, when hospitalized, home bound, or when our conscience is burdened by sorrow, grief, or shame.
Congratulations! Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. We believe that marriage is a sacred union of one man and one woman (Gen. 2:24-25); and that all the riches of the world cannot equal a home filled with love. At this point and time in your lives you have many hopes and dreams for your Christian marriage. We are very excited for you and that you are thinking about having your wedding at Saint Luke. Please click below to download our wedding handbook. For more information and available dates, please call the parish office at 630.773.0396.
A person becomes a "new person" in Baptism, a child of God. We refer to Baptism as a sacrament, indicating it is a holy act of God. He works a miracle as water is applied with the Word that Jesus instructed be used: "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19). Baptism is a promise from God to cleanse a person from sin and restore him/her into God's Family. Please click below to download our baptismal packet. If you have any questions about baptism, please email Pastor McReynolds or the call the parish office at 630.773.0396.
Prayer Request
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Lutheran Christians believe in Jesus Christ whose bodily death and resurrection made possible life everlasting. Christians view death as another step in our life as children of God. Yet, Christians also experience death as a time of loss when sorrow, grief, and bereavement are both natural and appropriate. These two truths inform the Christian funeral service and guide the church in its ministry to those who have lost a loved one to death, affirming with both joy and tears the promise and hope of the Good News of Jesus. Saint Luke provides funeral services for its members and counseling services for the bereaved. Please contact the church office at 630.773.0396.
Hospital Visit
Pastors and Elders are available to visit and bring communion to members who are hospitalized or homebound. Please click link below to contact us.
Pastoral counseling is the practice of talking with individuals, couples, and families to increase their understanding of emotional and religious conflicts and to help resolve problems using the guidance of God’s Word and other resources. We are trained to listen, respond empathetically, make assessments, and provide resources for people who seek help.