Upcoming Events

Forks for Funds: U Gazdy Restaurant (Every Monday)
PTL Forks for Funds at U Gazdy is held every Monday during lunch and dinner hours from September 2024 - May 2025 (*excludes December).

Women's Monday Night Bible Study
Do you enjoy a good love story? Then you may want to join the Monday Night Small Group. We begin year 2025 with a study of the book of Hosea. It is a most unusual love story between Hosea and his wife Gomer. If you are not familiar with this story, you may be in for a shock! BUT…surprisingly it is also our love story: God’s relentless love for us. Remember to bring your Bible. The study book will be available for purchase at class. The price of the book is $10.50. Interested? Then please join us.

Bible Books for Ethiopia
During the months of February and March, Saint Luke is participating in an outreach Mission to purchase Bible books for Ethiopia. For every $5 we collect, a Bible storybook or a Small Catechism will be purchased for a child in Ethiopia. These books are translated and printed in languages they can understand. We are so excited about how many children will have the opportunity to learn about Jesus all over the world because of our $5 donations.

Easter Flowers Sale
Help us decorate the church Sanctuary for our Easter services by ordering beautiful Easter flowers.

Early Reader Book Club K-2nd Grade
Calling all book lovers! Join the Early Reader Book Club. Students will start by reading and discussing a new book. Then follow up with fun, book-themed activities. Snack will be provided. This club is for students Kindergarten - 2nd Grade. Cost is $10. Contact Miss Maher to register.

Grandparents | Special Friends Day & Operetta
Wednesday, March 26th for Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten Afternoon Classes
Thursday, March 27st for Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten AM, & Kindergarten - 8th Grade
We are excited to welcome our grandparents and special friends back to Saint Luke on Wednesday, March 26th & Thursday, March 27th. This is a special day for grandparents to spend time with their grandchildren visit classrooms, meet the teachers, watch a wonderful performance of our 2025 school operetta and enjoy a great experience that is sure to build memories for years to come.

School Operetta 'Let’s Rock'
The Christian Life is not a solo act. We are the body of Christ!
Join us for this children musical with the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the center. Fun, funny, serious, thought-provoking, joyful, powerful, and Biblically solid musical story.
Operetta Performances:
Wednesday, March 26 at 1:45 pm & 6:30 pm
Thursday, March 27 at 10:30 am

Forks for Funds
Forks for Funds: Culvers in Addison | 10 am-11 pm
This month’s PTL Forks for Funds is at Culvers! Join us on Thursday, March 27 at Culvers in Addison (Dine-in, drive thru, carry out or curbside). Come and enjoy a delicious meal, spend time with your Saint Luke friends and family while supporting our school. 15% of all purchases comes back to our school ministry. Saint Luke School needs to be mentioned at the time of purchase. Click here to see flyer. We hope to see you there!

School Operetta 'Let’s Rock' (Copy)
The Christian Life is not a solo act. We are the body of Christ!
Join us for this children musical with the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the center. Fun, funny, serious, thought-provoking, joyful, powerful, and Biblically solid musical story.
Operetta Performances:
Thursday, March 27 at 10:30 am

School Spring Break - March 31 - April 4
Join us in Christian Day Care during spring break for a week of excitement with daily fun activities. Please click here for information on how to register your child.

Raiders Soccer Club
Preschool - 5th Grade. Click here to visit Saint Luke’s Athletics page for more information.

Good Friday Worship Services
Come and experience with us the story of Jesus, and see the price he paid so that we could be welcomed into His kingdom. Please join us!
12:00 pm Good Friday Worship Service (Livestream Available)
7:15 pm Good Friday Tenebrae Worship Service
You can also join us online by streaming our church services here.
Learn more about Holy Week and Easter celebration here.

Easter Sunday Worship Services
You're invited to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ at Saint Luke! We will have powerful worship and an inspiring message for the entire family!
6:00 am Easter Sunrise Worship Service
8:00 am Easter Sunday Traditional Worship Service (Livestream-available)
10:30 am Easter Sunday Contemporary Worship Service (Livestream-available)
You can also join us online by streaming our church services here.
Learn more about Holy Week and Easter celebration here.

Easter Breakfast
Come join us as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Chef Bob and the Youth are preparing are wonderful breakfast for everyone to enjoy! suggested donation $5.00 per person.
Learn more about Holy Week and Easter celebration here.

Easter Egg Hunt
Bring the whole family for an Egg-stravagant Easter Egg Hunt and a morning of fun for all ages! Bring your family and invite friends to join us at the Saint Luke this Easter. Learn more about Holy Week and Easter celebration here.

Confirmation Sunday
Join us Sunday, May 4, 2025 as we celebrate Confirmation Sunday during the 10:30 am service. Help us welcome our confirmand who will be officially becoming an adult member of Saint Luke! We hope to see you there! Confrirmation rehearsal will be Saturday, May 3 at 10:00 am.

Plant & Flower Sale
Spring is here and it’s time for the annual Saint Luke Garden Sale. We order high quality plants from Bartels Plants in Michigan.
Thursday, May 9th: Plants delivered (just in time for Mother’s Day)
May 10th - May 26th: Plant Sale at St. Luke parking lot
Make online payment here.

Mother’s Day Celebration at Saint Luke
Moms and Mother figures, we're celebrating you! We know that the person you call “Mom” might be your mom, or she may be a stepmom, an aunt, a grandmother, a friend, sister, teacher, or even a caring neighbor. Invite your family and friends to celebrate Mother's Day here at Saint Luke.
Join us at one of our weekend services (May 11 @ 5:30 pm & May 12 @ 8 & 10:30 am) as we honor that special mother figure in your life! We have some special gifts planned for all women and a photo-booth for family photos. Click here for more information.

Summer Camp
Please click here to learn more about our Summer Camp program and to register your child(ren).

ENDURE: National Youth Gathering
July 18-24, 2025 | New Orleans, Lousiana
Held every 3 years since 1980, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth and adults the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to be encouraged in their walk with Jesus Christ and learn about the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. We encourage students to prayerfully consider taking this journey with our St. Luke Youth Ministry in Summer 2025. This year-long process will also help inspire youth in their daily faith walk as we prepare for this great adventure! Please learn more about 2025 LCMS NYG here. If you have questions, contact Pastor Erik at ehart@saintlukeitasca.org.

Ash Wednesday Worship Service
Ash Wednesday Dinner 5:30 pm (Free) - Ash Wednesday Worship Service 6:30 pm
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Christian season of Lent, which is a period of forty days set aside for spiritual renewal and preparation for Easter. Please join us on Ash Wednesday for dinner at 5:30 pm and Worship at 6:30 pm.

All School Open House & Registration
Join Us for Our All School Open House & Registration on Tuesday, March 4 from 5:30 - 7:00 pm.

Daddy Daughter Dance @ The Itasca Country Club
Join us for Saint Luke’s annual Daddy-Daughter Dance – a magical evening filled with dancing, crafts, refreshments, and unforgettable memories!

Valentine’s Day Dinner
Sign up on the bulletin board next to the kitchen or by calling the Parish Office at 630.773.0396 by Monday, February 10th.

New Member Sunday Celebration
We will formally welcome our new members into Saint Luke church’s membership on Sunday, February 16th during the 10:30 am worship service.

Raiders Cheerleading Club
Kindergarten - 5th Grade. Click here to visit Saint Luke’s Athletics page for more information.

Eyeglass Mission Trip Presentation
Join us the weekend of February 8 & 9 at any of our church services for an inspiring presentation as we recap our recent eyeglass mission trip in Tanzania! Hear firsthand stories and see powerful images of how we were able to provide vision care to underserved communities. Through your support, we were able to bring clear sight to many, empowering individuals to experience the world in a whole new way. Don’t miss this chance to learn more about the impact of our mission and how we’re continuing to make a difference, one pair of glasses at a time. We look forward to sharing this journey with you!

Valentine's Care Packages Box Assembly
If you would like your college students and/or and military personnel to receive a valentine care package this year, please make sure to submit current addresses to the parish office by Wednesday, January 29th.

Youth Trivia Night & Silent Auction | Doors Open at 6:30 pm
Join us for a night of fun while you support our Youth Group going on their National Youth Gathering!
Click here to see details. Register your team here.

Raiders Basketball Club
Kindergarten - 5th Grade. Click here to visit Saint Luke’s Athletics page for more information.

Early Childhood Open House & Registration (Two Littles, Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, & First Grade)
Saint Luke invites you to attend our Early Childhood Open House & Registration.

Early Childhood Advent Program
Please join us on Wednesday, December 18th, at 6:30 PM as our Two Littles, Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students present their Christmas program called “Jesus is my Christmas Gift“. Students will sing songs, tell poems, and share the Christmas Story. There will be dessert and coffee fellowship following the program.

School Advent Led 1st - 5th Grade Students
Saint Luke Lutheran School will host their annual student-led Advent Service at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 11, in the Sanctuary. Students, faculty and staff are looking forward to gathering for this very special advent service.

Snowed In With Santa
Join us for an evening of Christmas movie, popcorn bar, crafts, music, dancing & pictures with Santa!

Thanksgiving Eve Service
Join us on Wednesday, November 27 at 6:30 pm in giving thanks to the One who gave it all for us - Christ Jesus our Lord!