Need Help?
Local Assistance
P.A.D.S. (Public Action to Deliver Shelter)
Provides hospitality, food and overnight emergency shelter to the homeless.
Tuesday 7 pm - Wednesday 7:30 am (October - April)
Itasca First Presbyterian Church
207 East Center St.
Itasca, IL 60143
Emergency Assistance
Itasca Walk-In Ministry
Provides emergency assistance (food, clothing, assistance in essential bill payment, car repair or prescriptions) to people in need within the Itasca Community.
Wednesday & Saturdays, 9 - 11 am
336 West Center St.
Itasca, IL 60143
Itasca Food Pantry
Provides food assistance to the home-bound and people in need.
Saturday, 9 am - 11 am
336 West Center St.
Itasca, IL 60143
Itasca Community Outreach Team (ICOT)
It helps restore individual(s) back to self-reliance through a process of empowerment by working alongside local churches, businesses, and interested individuals. It seeks to empower them back on their feet and not to a sense of entitlement.

Prayer Request
Here at Saint Luke we believe in the power of prayer. If you need prayer in any way we are here to pray for you! Click below and fill out the prayer request form to let us know how we can serve you through prayer.
Stephen Ministry
We have a team of trained laypersons and pastors who can offer one-to-one confidential spiritual and emotional support to individuals in our congregation who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. God works through Stephen Ministers to plant a seed of hope and healing in a person whose life seems barren and forlorn because of some crisis or tragedy. Click below if you would like to talk to a Stephen Minister or If you would like to be trained and serve as a Stephen Minister.