Worship Services
At the Lutheran Church of Saint Luke, we worship God in a variety of worship settings and times that appeal to different worship preferences. We offer several different styles of liturgy and music, including traditional, contemporary, and combinations of both.
Contemporary Worship Service – 5:30 pm
This service offers worship with contemporary music in a more intimate setting. The music is led by keyboard and vocals. Worshipers gather to hear God’s Word and sing His praises. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first and third Saturday of each month.
Traditional Worship Service - 8:00 am
During this service, worshipers participate in a liturgy and music based on the Lutheran Service Book. In addition to singing classic and new hymns led by the organ, the congregation also enjoys regular musical offerings by Joyful Spirit Choir, children’s choirs, handbells and special music by soloists, instrumentalists, and ensembles. Holy Communion is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of each month.
Contemporary Worship Service - 10:30 am
This service offers worship with a contemporary flair. Creative elements are used in a heartfelt style to prepare worshipers for the morning’s message. The music selection represents modern trends of worship music. This service also features the leadership of the Saint Luke praise team, Children’s choirs, handbells and other instrumentalists participate in this service on a regular basis. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month. A Staffed Nursery is available at this service for children up to 4 years old.
Wednesday Morning
Day School Chapel Service
During the school year, our Day School students meet for weekly worship at 8:45 in the Sanctuary. They hear the Word of God proclaimed, and sing songs of praise. Early childhood PM students worship at 12:30 in services specially designed for Jesus’ littlest lambs. Members are welcome to join us at any time.