Plan Your Visit
What to Expect?
Saint Luke is a Lutheran Church Mission Synod Congregation in the western suburbs of Chicago. We worship God in a variety of worship settings and times that appeal to different preferences. We offer several different styles of liturgy and music, including traditional and contemporary.
What Should I wear?
You can wear whatever is comfortable for you and appropriate. Most people dress casually, but you’ll still see some in jeans and a t-shirt.
How long is the service?
Our worship services last approximately 45 minutes to one hour. We also have a nursery room available for parents attending the 10:30 am. Toddlers - 3 years of age can be dropped off before the service and picked up right at the conclusion of the late service.
Weekends at Saint Luke
Service Times
5:30 pm - Contemporary Worship
8:00 am - Traditional Worship
10:30 am - Contemporary Worship
Kids: Our nursery room is available during the 10:30 am service for children 0-3 years old. Trained staff runs the nursery while you attend worship.
Sunday School: Children 3 years old - 5th grade can participate in Sunday School from 9:15-10:00 am
Educational Hour
Every Sunday at 9:15 am. We have a spot for everyone:
Adults Bible Study
Youth Group
Sunday School (Children 3 years old - 5th Grade)
Plus classes for confirmation, New Members, etc.