Stellar VBS | June12-15, 5:30-8:30 pm

Send your kids on a out-of-this-world adventure! (Free of charge)

At Stellar, kids discover how they can shine Jesus’ love and hope in everyday life! Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, make and devour yummy treats, experience one-of-a-kind Bible Adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of Jesus’ light, and test out Sciency-Fun Gizmos they’ll take home and play with all summer long. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes with a Cosmic Closing that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned.

Kids at Stellar VBS will join a missions effort to provide Bibles for families in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Stellar is for kids entering Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade (2023) and will run from 5:30 - 8:30 pm each day. For more information, call 630.773.0396.

Day 1: Monday 6/12

Bible Point: When life feels dark, shine Jesus' light!

Key Bible Verse: "Jesus...said, 'I am the light of the world'." (John 8:12)

Bible Story: Jesus comes as a baby to be king (Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 1:18-2:12)

Buddy: Cosmo

Day 2: Tuesday 6/13

Bible Point: When people don't get along, shine Jesus' light!

Key Bible Verse: Live in harmony with each other. - Romans 12:16

Bible Story: Jesus accepts Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-9)

Buddy: Ringo

Day 3: Wednesday 6/14

Bible Point: When good things happen, shine Jesus' light

Key Bible Verse: Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! - Psalm 100:1

Bible Story: Jesus enters Jerusalem as a king (Luke 19:28-40)

Buddy: Luna

Day 4: Thursday 6/15

Bible Point: When people are sad, shine Jesus' light!

Key Bible Verse: Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God. - John 14:1

Bible Story: Jesus cares for his mother during his crucifixion (John 19-20)

Buddy: Sol

Watch the video below to learn more about Stellar!

Prepare to Launch in
